We’re so proud to be awarded our IFBA affiliate member plaque to hang proudly in our gym.
Being a part of something than you know is committed to being better, improving and putting their members at the heart of what you do is even more special.
As an IFBA affiliated gym we are working together with a select group of Gym Owners, up and down the country to raise the standard of the Fitness Industry.
We have always maintained we wanted to help change the face of the Fitness Industry and it starts with the service we provide our members and raising the standards of what you, as consumers expect from a Fitness Professional.
We are part of less than 100 gyms across thousands in the UK, and now the journey starts to receive our Gold Standard plaque, which shows we’ve progressed even further as a gym to benefit our members.
Thanks to all the coaches and team that put so much in to improving what we do and delivering the very best, every single session, and thanks to all our clients, both present and past, who have been a part of this journey.