My BTB journey began last July with some sunny morning Boot Camps at Southam Rec, I’d spent weeks leading up to it finding excuses not to go. I knew nobody else but within a few weeks had become friends with a few of the others, little did I know one was the epic Sooz!
A few weeks after, my journey at BTB HQ began. I’ve had PT’s before, several, most of which fail to hold my interest as I get bored by the lack of challenge, then balancing the gym, being a Mum and a full time demanding career, all becomes too difficult. I’m 12 months in at HQ now, that is 5 times longer than I have lasted with any other trainer.
What is different?
Well let me tell you…
Boredom. This was the primary reason my training ceased before, trainers would cycle me through the same exercises, over and over. Then I’d watch them do the same with all their clients. I only every trained alone with them which meant if you didn’t ‘click’ conversation was an effort and an hour dragged leaving you desperate to escape. I also only trained with my PT once a week, I’d still go another 3-4 times on my own but I wouldn’t repeat what they had taught me, I would run on the treadmill and not dare to venture near the squat rack or weights without a PT escort because that was where all the boys hung out posing in the mirrors and the girls rarely ventured alone into their domain, this video explains it perfectly
I did initially wonder how BTB would be different for me, what could Glenn do to keep my attention and interest? How was I going to balance work and children this time? But there was something about Glenn, he wasn’t your usual PT and that became obvious in the hour I spent with him during my first assessment at HQ. He was different, he has conquered bigger obstacles than most of us to get to where he is now, he doesn’t take what he has for granted and is genuinely interested in achieving your goals, not in just selling you a block of 12 or 24 sessions. Every time I think I’ve nailed something, done the best I’m going to be able to do, along he comes with the next challenge. He has very quickly learnt how to motivate me.
The other factors. Daughters, busy job etc were just the excuses I would use, although in my defence the creche would always be full at the times I could go.
These are not even options for excuses now, BTB opening hours are much more realistic, Glenn starts sessions at 6am with his last one at 7pm, this means even during a busy month there are usually only one or two days where I can’t book in due to work commitments. My daughter loves coming with me, there is a comfy sofa and endless unicorn toys and in addition to those she is welcomed every time by Glenn and everyone I train with. I cannot begin to explain what a positive impact on children this environment will have, they watch their parents train and achieve, succeed and celebrate.
Since January my partner has begun training with Glenn too, I may have instigated this with a Christmas present of membership and the knowledge he’d get hooked like me. We both work hard, raise a family, have social lives and still train multiple times a week. We don’t skip, cancel or miss sessions and going on holiday makes me crave for the workouts I’m missing!
BTB has become more than a place to work out, it has become a sanctuary for both my physical and mental health, a place for celebration of achievements and the source of many new friendships.